Shirley Yeung vows to be a single mom

Shirley Yeung pledges to raise her newborn daughter alone.

The actress, who has been keeping mum on the identity of her daughter’s father, insisted that she would not be looking for a partner.

On a radio interview yesterday, Shirley was asked to share her experiences raising her child. She expressed that she is still new to motherhood and is looking to learn from her mother.

“It is tough to give undivided attention to the baby 24 hours a day. For example, after feeding her milk, she might vomit if I don’t pat her back long enough to induce burp. I am worried that the vomit will get to her ears and that she might get an infection from it.”

During a recent episode of a Hong Kong reality show, “Bride Wannabes”, one of the contestants featured is also a single mother. Shirley was asked what she would do to find a partner. She confessed, “I don’t want one. At the moment, I just want to work hard on taking care of my baby.”

When asked to comment on her former lover Gregory Lee’s statement that he would not want to meet her unless for work, Shirley expressed, “I don’t want to answer this kind of question. If the job that my agency arranged is suitable for me, I will do it. Besides, there are various jobs (other than acting) that I can do.”

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