Makiyo still not off the hook?

There has been a new twist in Taiwan singer-actress Makiyo’s cabby assault case.

Makiyo and her male Japanese friend Takateru Tomoyori, previously agreed to settle the case with Lin Yu Jun, the taxi driver they attacked in February, by paying him NT$3 million (S$128,000).

This would result in them facing possible probation instead of jail time.

But the status of this agreement has been thrown in doubt after Lin’s wife lashed out at the pair, claiming that they were not sincere in their bid to resolve the case, following a court hearing on Thursday, reported Taiwan media.

“The pre-requisite of admitting your guilt is to reveal what truly happened, but these two people (Makiyo and Tomoyori) have not done that today (Thursday).

“Instead, they were unreasonable and lied blatantly,” said Lin’s wife when she met reporters outside the Taipei District Court.

She said that Makiyo and Tomoyori had tried to cover for each other in court, adding that the two still refused to shoulder the blame for the incident, before going on to describe their behaviour as “unforgivable”.

Makiyo, who was accompanied by her mother, did not speak to the media after the hearing on Thursday.

The final judgement on Makiyo’s cabby assault case will be passed on April 26.

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