Ghetto Justice / 怒火街頭


Growing up in Sham Shui Po Kris Wong Si-fu (Myolie Wu) is an aspiring barrister who wishes to leave behind her grass root beginnings; her greatest desire being to share chambers with renowned barrister Spencer Cheung Pak-kei (Shek Sau). A resident of Sham Shui Po, Law Lik-ah (Kevin Cheng) runs a legal clinic at a social centre with his cousin George Mike, Jr (Alex Lam) and social worker Tin Ka-fu (Sam Lee). After several run-ins and misunderstandings with Kris, Law begins to have feelings for Kris, however Kris holds the unkept and uncouth Law in utter disdain.
Although he has limited himself to just giving advice when a friend falls foul of the law, Law Lik-ah decides to act in court once more. To her amazement Kris discovers that Law Lik-ah used to be known by the nick name LA Law, a barrister almost as famous as Spencer Cheung, and who disappeared from the legal profession after being in contempt of court.
As they co-operate on different cases Kris learns the reason for Law's premature retirement. In order to defend a client on a murder case, Law accused the brother of the victim of the crime, which although unprovable, cast so much doubt as to the guilt of his client that his client was acquitted. However the innocent man was unable to live with the accusation and killed himself. Kris initially holds that a barrister should defend her client with whatever means available and that it is up to the judge and jury to decide guilt. However as they encounter wealthy individuals who attempt to use the law to escape justice she comes to accept that in addition to possible fame and renumeration a barrister should have a conscience. As they come to understand each other they become lovers, and Law decides to open chambers again in order to be able to provide for Kris.
When Kris's friend Ho Lee-ching (Sharon Chan) stumbles on Spencer's illegal machinations she is murdered. In order to gain justice for Lee-ching, Kris feigns indifference to her death and joining Spencer's legal team creates a scenario in which he incriminates himself. Calculating what Kris intends, Law acts to protect Kris and her ability to continue to be a barrister, he arranges evidence about the plot to point towards himself, and is disbared and imprisoned in her stead.

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